Frequently Asked Questions

Ketamine therapy is designed to stimulate brain restoration, foster new neural connections, and enable your mind to rewire itself in healthier, more adaptive ways. This enables you to break free from old patterns of thinking that can cause anxiety, depression and other negative thoughts.

During each session with us, a controlled dose of ketamine is administered intramuscularly. Most patients describe the experience as a disconnection from their usual consciousness, allowing them to explore their thoughts, emotions and experiences through a different lens.

The transformative potential of this treatment offers patients a chance to reclaim their lives, instilling a newfound sense of optimism and hope for the future.

Yes, ketamine is legal for medical use in the United States.

The use of ketamine can only be administered or prescribed by licensed clinicians with the authority and expertise. Any other use of this medicine outside of these guidelines is illegal.

Ketamine has the potential for addiction and abuse when not following clinical protocols. Anew Therapy’s protocols ensure protection against addictive potential.

Research has shown almost all ketamine addiction occurs in those who misuse ketamine recreationally. Ketamine used as directed in an appropriate clinical setting very rarely leads to any dependence or addictive behaviors.

While many patients have found relief through Ketamine therapy, it is important to be aware of the potential health risks and side effects associated with this treatment. Side effects usually dissipate soon after the treatment session, but any persistent or troubling symptoms should be immediately reported to the treatment team. Some patients may experience mild to moderate side effects including:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Change in motor skills
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Hallucinations
  • Serious changes in perception
  • Out of body experiences


In rare instances, patients might experience more unusual side effects including, rash, pain or redness at injection site, allergic reaction, heart rhythm problems, severe anxiety or panic, flashbacks to past traumas, and even psychotic reactions. It’s important to underscore that these side effects are uncommon, and the risks are typically low when the treatment is administered in a controlled, clinical environment under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Nevertheless, any unusual or severe symptoms should be reported immediately to the treatment team.

If this is your first time exploring ketamine therapy, you will receive six treatments over the course of 4-6 weeks. Following the initial series, booster treatments are available on an as needed basis. These are single treatment appointments you can schedule if you begin to feel a resurgence of symptoms. Remember, it’s not a sign of regression; instead, it’s part of the ongoing journey of healing and self-improvement.

At this time, this treatment cannot be billed to insurance. Upon request, we can provide you with a Superbill after starting treatment, so that you can reach out to your insurance company to file a claim.

Assessing patient eligibility for ketamine therapy involves a comprehensive evaluation process. This involves a detailed medical history review, a physical examination, and in some cases, additional diagnostic tests. We consider several key factors when determining if a patient is a suitable candidate for this treatment and in some cases, collaboration with your existing provider team.

Book your free consultation today to take your first step.

Ketamine therapy has shown promise in the treatment of a variety of conditions where traditional treatments may have failed. Anew Therapy focuses primarily in treating depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorders, and chronic pain. It’s important to remember, Anew Therapy highly recommends ketamine therapy as one component of a comprehensive treatment plan, which should ideally include other therapeutic strategies like psychotherapy or medication prescribed by their doctor.

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Ketamine therapy has shown remarkable success rates in treating various mental health disorders. This innovative treatment method has been particularly effective in cases where traditional therapies and medications were ineffective.

We emphasize that everyone’s journey and response to treatment is unique.

While many patients report significant improvements, there is no guarantee that this treatment will improve your condition.

Ketamine can be safely taken with a variety of medications. During your initial intake appointment, your clinician will review your physical and mental health history and provide guidance about medications you are taking, including potential contraindications.

During your ketamine therapy treatment at our clinic, your comfort and safety are our top priorities. Initially, you will be welcomed into our Mind Spa for pre-treatment relaxation. When it’s time to begin your treatment, you will be escorted to a serene, private space designed to facilitate relaxation. Our experienced medical team will monitor your vital signs throughout the process, ensuring the treatment is both safe and effective. The therapy itself involves a low-dose ketamine injection, which is administered intramuscularly over the course of 90-120 minutes.

You might experience a range of sensations during the injection, including a feeling of disconnection or a change in your perception of time. These effects are temporary and subside soon after the treatment ends. Once the treatment is over, you will rest under supervision until you’re ready to be escorted home. It’s important to have a support person with you or arrange for transportation, as you will not be able to drive following your treatment. Please remember, each individual’s experience with ketamine therapy is unique, so we encourage you to communicate openly with us about your needs and expectations.

The sensation experienced during ketamine therapy is often described as an altered state of consciousness. Some individuals report feeling a sense of disconnection from their body or a distortion in their perception of time and space. Visual and auditory perceptions might also be enhanced, leading to a dream-like state. It’s important to remember that these effects are temporary, usually fading soon after the injection ends. Despite these unusual sensations, patients generally report feelings of peace and serenity during the process. It’s a unique experience that varies from person to person, and while some might find it strange or unfamiliar, most find it deeply therapeutic and restorative.

No, ketamine therapy is considered an off-label prescription treatment used at a provider’s discretion. Ketamine has been used in medical settings since the 1950s and remains on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines.

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Are you ready to reach your full potential?

See How Ketamine Can Change Your Life

Our mission is to unlock the transformative power of ketamine therapy, enabling our patients to unleash their minds and achieve their full potential. Book a FREE consultation today!